In Random Thoughts

Last Two Months of The Year

"For good times and bad times, i'll be on your side forever more. That's what friends are for.." 
-Dionne Warwick
I've never been so much happier than today.

Kamis, 19 November 2015.

Agenda pertama hari ini adalah pengambilan nilai ujian praktik mata pelajaran olahraga, seperti tahun ke tahun dilaksanakan senam, dengan tiap-tiap kelas dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kebetulan saya mendapat kelompok pertama tetapi mendapat giliran tampil pada saat istirahat kedua. Kurang lebih sebulan persiapan senam sudah kami laksanakan, dan penampilan kami tadi siang menurut saya cukup memuaskan.  

Merasa deg-degan sedikitpun tidak, mungkin karena sudah terbiasa tampil semasa di bangku SMP. Menyenangkan. Baru kali ini merasakan suatu getaran dari masa SMA. Agak sedih mengingat sebentar lagi harus berpisah dengan teman-teman yang sudah bersama-sama sejak kelas 1 SMA.

Disaat sudah mulai merasa nyaman dengan suatu keadaan, disaat itu pula saya harus merelakan nya lagi, mengingat waktu terus berjalan, yang akan memisahkan kami semua.

Selekas senam selesai, kami tertunya dengan siapnya langsung mengabadikan kenangan ini bersama-sama sekelas.



Pada saat itu pula saya dipanggil oleh sahabat dekat saya SA dan PP.
Sambil membawa kantong plastik mendekat menuju saya, saya sudah senang karena dibelikan minuman oleh mereka, mengingat saya begitu lelah sehabis tampil, dan dengan santainya mereka bilang 'nih'

Ternyata tebakan saya meleset,

Yashica FX-3 super 2000
Tanpa melihat ke sekeliling saya langsung menjerit karena ini adalah tipe kamera yang saya idam-idamkan tetapi tidak kesampaian untuk membeli karena lain dan banyak hal. Tidak pernah terlintas dibenak saya akan mendapatkan kamera analog ini, karena... memang sebelumnya tidak ada yang memberi hadiah ulangtahun seperti ini. Pokoknya mereka adalah teman terbaik dan sudah habis kata untuk menjelaskan betapa beruntungnya saya memiliki teman seperti mereka. 

I can't wait to use my baby as soon as possible! 
Btw i am very very very thank you for giving me this super dope analogue camera my dear friends, Yol and Nggi <3 
P.S. i may be not that good in using this camera because this is my very first analogue camera and i'll learn how to capture good pictures though. My very first photo will be dedicated to them, please underline my word. xo

Well hi that's me, no film cassette inside tho lol. 
Happy me!
& blessed.

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In Random Thoughts

Books & Pencils

Hi! It's been a long time since i wrote my last writing, and i just realize that i should write something despite the lack of energy i have that just wasted from too much preparing for the national examination and SBMPTN. Well, as you know it's getting closer to the day, the day that i have to let go of school and step ahead to the next stage, yes, that's true, the university.

I wanted to talk about my school life. Now i am on the point of real mad confusedness that every 3rd grade of high school students talked about. First, lets just turn back time when i first entered senior year. The first point is my friends, they be like, where should i go? what major do i have to take? and blah blah blah and  i remember that i was so happy, focused, really straight forward and well planned for my university and studies. All the positive energy in me are burning still. I already knew what major for me and the university i'll take, but now, today, as we know that it's getting closer to the day of SBMPTN and stuff, i lost track. It feels like all i can see is a dark future, my plan for the study all messed up because of one and many factors.

Fyi, i wanted to take engineering school and on the other side, i wanted to take the international relations studies TOO. Because i have a big interest in that though, in fact, as i see studying IR is my kind of thing. I wanted to be in a part of world's organization and caring about world's problem; war, terrorism, global warming, hunger, etc. 
But in my point of view, to be in the world organization, i have to study the real major like for example, the iceberg analyst for the global warming issue, they should be entering maybe the environmental engineering or something that related to that so they could just that easy to enter the organization because they already knew what categorize of their job desk that they'll take. And now i have no plan for my future, for now, i hope.

And yes i know, i should rather study to achieve my dreams than confusing what will i take in the uni but don't you know that super extremely hard problem that haven't been solved just like jsfsalicnidspj they're running out of my head every single day. I should better setting everything up because everyone else is preparing for their running too, to reach the uni and major they'll take. I hope everything will be easy and the choice is in God's hand. Well bye, everyone is on their way to the running track! Wish me a bunch of luck!

So, what do you guys think the major that i have to take?

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